USA・ボストン Sorkin様 It has been a long time since we have been in touch. I have been thinking about you and praying that you are all fine after the Japanese tragedy. I couldn’t find your email, so I wrote to Caren Hoffman Smith in Singapore and she just sent it to me. We have been living in Boston with Mocha-chan. We left Tokyo and moved in June 2008. Mocha is now almost 6 years old, very healthy and happy! I am attaching a photo for you to enjoy…my kids are now 17 and 14. Mocha is our third child. He sleeps with me every night and we love him so much!!! Anyway, I hope you are managing in the circumstances. We are raising money to help Japan in our town and my daughter V is coming to Japan this summer to help do community service. Sending you all our best wishes, Debbie Sorkin <意訳> 私達より願いをこめて、 デビー・ソーキンより <From Amanda アマンダより返信> Dear Debra, It's really been a long time. Thank you for your inquiry about the disasters here. Nearly three weeks have passed since the earthquake and tsunami struck. Little by little, things are returning to normal. We heard from Caren that your family and Mocha-chan moved to Boston. I was happy to hear that Mocha is as energetic and happy as usual. Thanks so much for the photograph of the children and Mocha. I can't believe the kids are now 14 and 17 years old. Time passes so quickly! It should be a wonderful experience for V to come to Japan. Her work as a volunteer, especially at her young age, will leave a lasting impression on the rest of her life. We hope, for all of those who are suffering through these hard times, that they'll be able to find the courage and hope to persevere. My eldest son (a doctor) will do what he can for the sick, injured and elderly people of Iwate and Miyagi Prefecture. Thanks again for the update on Mocha-chan. I knew it wouldn't take long before old Cupid ! drew dogs and owners together in a close bind of happiness. Best wishes for your health and prosperity from those of us in Japan. Seiko Miyazawa, Amanda Blue. <意訳> モカちゃんが相変わらず元気で幸福に過ごしていることを知り嬉しく思います。またお子さんとモカちゃんのお写真有難うございました。 お子さん方はもう17歳と14歳になられたのですか? 月日の経つのは早いものです。V(略称)ちゃんがボランティアで日本に来られるとのこと、きっと素晴らしい経験となることでしょう!特に若い時代の奉仕活動は人生において決して消え去ることのない大切なものを学ばせてくれます。被災した日本人も大いなる勇気と希望を与えられることでしょう。我が家の長男も現在ドクターとして岩手や宮城で病気や怪我人、お年を召した人々のために働かせていただいております。
<2005/12>![]() Sorkin モカ 君(プードル、ブラウン) We are an American family living in Tokyo for 5 years. Our 2 children (ages 12 and 9) wanted a toy poodle
puppy for a long time. We looked at some local shops and asked other
poodle owners for a reference. We heard that Amanda Blue was a very
reliable and established breeder, so we looked at their website.
There were many photos available as well as information about the
dogs on-line (date of birth, color, size, male/female, price, etc).
私たちは東京に5年住んでいるアメリカ人の家族です。12歳と9歳の2人の子供たちは長い間トイプードルの子犬を飼いたく思っておりました。そこで近隣のペットショップやプードルの所有者に照会いたしました。そうした折、アマンダブルー犬舎が信頼でき、きちんとしたブリーダーであることを他の人から聞き、そこで私達はウェブサイトを見てみたのです。そこには誕生日、色、サイズ,性、価格などが書かれたワンコについての情報と同時にたくさんの画像が載っておりました。 |